[BETA]ReS+No.4 Platform no platform

[BETA]ReS+No.4 Platform no platform
Railway Station Plus Remake Edition No.+4
The platform mod provides a new platform, an invisible platform with no platform model to make it a 0-height platform. Easy Platform!
Suggest using with all Re:CRS+ mods. (like pic3)
What’s in?
– New platform: invisible platform “0m platform linkable” which can be connected to your streets without any building.
– New platform: invisible platform “0m platform” needs a building like any other platform.
– New tracks: only by using these “0 Height” track modules can your citizens stand at the right height.
Known issues?
– Just try and confirm you can use this safely, then you can use it in your important savegames. This can make it safer, though I’ve already tested them and nothing ever happened.