Canadian Pacific ‘Royal Hudson’ 4-6-4

Canadian Pacific ‘Royal Hudson’ 4-6-4
O Canada!
In 1937, Canadian Pacific produced numerous semi-streamlined locomotives. The most famous of which was the Royal Hudsons, named, so, as one of this class pulled the Royal Train of George VI in 1939.
This mod was commissioned by DOUG! Doug is actually a modder himself and had made a mod that allows you to start the game from before 1850.
This mod will be expanded over the next few weeks with the CP 4-4-4 Jubilee class of semi-streamlined locomotives, and the massive Selkirk 2-10-4 semi-streamlined locos, so keep an eye out for those.
What’s in this mod?
Canadian Pacific 4-6-4 ‘Royal Hudson’
Canadian Pacific 4-4-4 ‘Jubilee’
Canadian Pacific 2-10-4 ‘Selkirk’
Each model has:
Full-user colour support
Full dirt/rust support
Custom sounds and whistle
Dynamic loco-side numbers