Delhi Red Line Metro Train

Delhi Red Line Metro Train
Ladies and gentlemen, I am glad to introduce you to an Indian metro train, the Delhi Red Line Metro Train!
This is my very early work, and it was born when I was still practicing modeling. So it’s not good in quality. But I still decide to publish it because the workshop has no content about India, and India is a part of this world.
This metro train mainly serves at Delhi Metro Red Line. It’s produced by Hyundai Rotem at an early stage but later manufactured in India instead. Since it’s made in South Korea, you can find similarities between this train and some MTR trains.
Basic Animations
Customizable color
Customizable Logos(.psd file is provided in the texture folder. You can change its logo if you need)
Various versions (Pantographs for catenaries in different heights, and bogies for tracks with different widths)
Car Name and Next Station display available