Field Plopper TF2

Field Plopper TF2
This unlocks and modifies the farm field asset brush.
Trees, animals and pasture fences will align the terrain so they don’t glitch into the ground. This will distort attached paths, probably the field and the terrain itself.
Preflatten an area, or use of the terrain alignment option will help to avoid too much of a mess.
You still may want to use the smoothing gun to fix the terrain, when you’re done placing your fields.
Since version 1.6 would have added three more options, i had to come up with a solution to not blow out the ui. I decided to sacrifice the option for paths and trees and street to cut down the new options to two.
So your options are nothing(‘x’), or paths, or trees, or street, or path and trees(the ‘and’ between these two), or trees and street(the ‘and’ between these two) per side.
I hope this is easy to understand. If you have a better idea, please let me know.
Found under misc. assets.
Should be safe to add or remove from existing saves.
English and German translation included.
v1.7 — added pathing —- pop some bottles, plebs are now smart enough to use paths, hurray! —- made it an option in case you don’t want concrete pedestrian connections v1.6 — added street option —- see description for details, if i goofed something up, let me know — added a price tag —- formula is fieldPrice = (sizeX + sizeY) * 1000 —- additional terrain alignment and street cost is automatically added by the game — added bulldoze cost —- formula is fieldPrice / 100 v1.5 — fixed fleeing cow, sheep and horses —- yeeha *slap slap* — some major code rework to make it easier and more logical to work with for future expansions v1.1 – 1.4 —- see changes tab