FS Carrozze doppio piano ‘Casaralta’

FS Carrozze doppio piano ‘Casaralta’
During the 70s, commuting services grew a lot due to passengers demand. The FS was strongly unprepared due to the large volume of travelers, concentrated on urban routes. This necessity resulted in the purchase of double-decker carriages, to maximize the capacities of the trains destined for the metropolitan service. Divided into several orders, the Casaralta workshops delivered, to the FS, the double-decker carriages type Be (built under license from CIMT Lorraine, therefore essentially French cars).
Despite the dimension of these cars, they kept the total mass contained at 42t (even less than other single-deck carriages in circulation in that same period). The interiors were spartan and, for the first time, the 3-seater seat was introduced (located on the lower floor of the car), which allowed for 10-seater modules.
The casaralta FS carriages were officially removed from circulation in 2020.
The same wagons, operated by Trenord and FSE, are still in service.
Mod Info:
Max speed: 140km/h
Capacity from: 36 to 37
Year from: 1981