MB Berliner Busse (C2)

MB Berliner Busse (C2)
In 2018, BVG also ordered new single-decker and articulated buses in addition to new e-buses. Mercedes-Benz won the tender. The first C2s were delivered as early as 2018 and listened to the numbers 1000 and 4785. (From now on I will only refer to the monoplane, as these are relevant here in the pack). After 1000 were extensively tested at the Cicerostraße depot, 1001-1047 came to complete the delivery, and at the same time new driving school buses with the numbers 1048 and 1049 arrived.
In another delivery, the next C2s came in 2019, this time not that many, but with horns. The cars 1063-1085 were now on the way for the depot Cicerostraße and the depot Lichtenberg.
The next delivery series followed and the EN20s were used for the first time at the Spandau depot, they listened to the numbers 1100-1109. However, this time the deliveries were designed differently, so 1110-1119 came to Cicerostraße, 1120-1129 to Lichtenberg, 1130-1137 to Spandau, 1138-1148 to Cicerostraße and 1149-1156 to Lichtenberg.
The EN21 are currently being delivered, they have the older BVG seat pattern and a turning assistant, but this was not yet available at the time of the repaint pack, which is why I only used the EN18, EN19 and EN20 in this repaint pack.
But now to the content.
Some repaints are included, including
1000 ad-free
1001 hit radio rear
1004 UCI edge railways TrafficBoard
1013 FOM Hochschule Heck + traffic board
1024 housing cooperatives BBG Band
1025 Housing Cooperatives EEC Volume
1033 office furniture-Müller band
1043 Plant-Cologne full advertising
1046 Sports metropolis Berlin TrafficBoard + Verdi Heck
1068 Berlifood rear end
1111 Ad-free