New York Central Empire State Express 1941 Hudson

New York Central Empire State Express 1941 Hudson
Thank you for all the amazing screenshots, Mr. LSkeetskeet! No way could I show the Hudsons off like you do! I cannot thank you enough for these!
Welcome to the very last of the Great Steel Fleet’s NYC Hudsons!
Here today We have the Empire State Express 1941! During the early years of the NYC, when the railroad was known as the New York Central & Hudson River Railroad, the Empire State Express was it’s crack train. It ran
From New York to Buffalo & later expanded the route. Over the year, the train lost a bit of it’s mojo thanks to trains like the 20th Century Limited.
To revitalize the Empire State Express, the NYC looked to the Budd company for new stainless steel cars, and Mr. Chase H. Knowlton & Mr. George M. Davies to streamline the J3A Hudson. Unfortunately, the day of debut for the new Empire State Express was overshadowed by the events unfolding at Pearl Harbor as the US was thrust into the second world war on December 7th, 1941.
Empire State Express is a J3A Super Hudson with Scullin Disc Drivers and the Timkin roller bearing gear.
What’s with the shiny cylinder?
4 Different Empire State Express Locomotives
– 2 With a 6 Axles tender, and 2 with a PT-3/4 tender
– 2 Recolorable engines! # 619 & # 916 are your recolorables. 1 sporting the 6 Axle, and 1 sporting the PT-3/4.
– 4 LODs
– Custom Sounds by Mr. Cheesecake
– Modelcitizen Couplers
– 7 different camera angles
– All engines have corresponding Assets!
Again, to balance, I have taken my own approach to this. The 6 Axle Tender engines will be lowered cost, but higher to maintain. The PT tender engines will be the Higher cost but less to maintain. I’m trying to account
for refueling to a degree.
– Year available – 1941
– Speed – 123 MPH
– Weight w/6 Axle Tender – 673,400 Lbs
– Weight w/PT-4 Tender – 785,500 Lbs
– Horsepower – 4,765
– Tractive effort – 53,961 Lbs
What is around the bend?
This concludes my activities with New York Central’s Hudson! I hope you enjoy all of my locomotives & mods. I will be again taking a break and playing some games, but will be back at it again to work on the next set of mods. Will be some random rolling stock released here ‘n there. Though the next in the line-up will be my Turn of the Century ALCO Locomotive set. This will be a range of early 1900’s Alco- Atlantic, Pacific, Ten Wheeler, Prairie, American, and Consolidation… Subject to change. The first though will be the Atlantic! Very excited to be working on a new era, and fill in more gaps. Not to mention working on a new project. The Hudsons I started back at the end of October 2022. Happy to have it concluded. I may revisit the blend file to create the K5B Pacific, but at a later time. I’m tired of staring at the same file for so long! Have fun and see you for the next mods! Thank you to my fellow modders for your guidance and help to bring these to the game!
Heads up
From this point, please understand that my mods are rather heavy in poly or texture count. I put a lot of effort into these, to make them as best as possible to be enjoyed. Sorry if you don’t have enough disk space, or computer power to run these.