Obsidian Islands

Obsidian Islands
It is a mix of several real-world volcanic island height maps and extensive editing to create a fictional landscape focused on not only looking nice but giving players a lot of challenges. Towns are located in their real-world locations and all industries and roads are hands placed for balance. The map is generally sparse compared to others, with most factories being close to the coastal towns, whereas the raw materials are scattered far and wide on the volcanic islands. There are some easier routes, to begin with, but it will take some planning to get every resource started, let alone running at high output. The real challenges come from dealing with the landscape. The volcanic islands have harsh terrain and steep slopes everywhere, the coasts are some only easily accessible areas. Some other challenges can be found by connecting the islands via a bridge, managing the single massive oil refinery, and more. If you enjoy designing a complex network with hill climbing and coastal shipping on a beautiful landscape, this map could be for you and take quite a long time to fill out.
How to play:
Load workshop maps:
Subscribe to the map on this page
Go to Free play from the main menu in game
Press the small Play Map button on the top right and load Obsidian Islands
Map Details
Start year: 1890 (the 1850 vehicles have a tough time with the terrain)
Start balance: $5,000,000 loan
Climate: Tropical
Vehicles: Asian
Map size: Large, 1:1
Towns: 9
Okago, Hachijo, Mitsune: The large major towns on the largest island, built onto the only major flatlands available anywhere.
Kashitate, Sueyoshi: Minor villages on the largest island, they sit high above the sea in rough terrain.
Tsubota: The only major town on the smaller island, located just across the water from the flatlands.
Izu, Ako, Kamitsuki: Minor villages on the smaller island, located around the far coasts.
Industries: 72
Goods factories: 1
Food processing plants: 3
Tools factories: 3
Fuel refineries: 2
Machines factories: 1
Construction materials plants: 2
Oil refineries: 3
Chemical plants: 1
Saw mills: 5
Steel mills: 2
Oil wells: 9
Farms: 11
Quarries: 3
Iron ore mines: 6
Coal mines: 6
Forests: 14