Stuttgart Main Station

Stuttgart Main Station
Is the 24th again? Cool!
The old Stuttgart Main Station how it was until 2010 * terminus station with 16 tracks * optional plus local underground stations
Close to former reality…
8 platforms with independent lengths (240/280/320/360/400/440m) *1922
optional with 4-track underground “Stadtbahn” station (140m long/15m deep) *1976
optional with 2-track underground “S-Bahn” station (220m long/25m deep) *1976
different layout and asset settings (platform look, signs, train destination displays…)
some advanced settings (position of the underground station, platform layout, shorten tracks)
included 1000mm and 1000mm/1435mm hybrid-tracks *BETA, but first released dual gauge tracks
a lot of details and also a spinning high-rise-star of an automobile tycoon
costs depending on configuration ~4-8 M
the station state until ~2010! Without the new “S21”-station!
it is a “static”, non-modular, but quickly build up station
to find in rail > buildings > category “Icemaster” *available from 1922
some models might be edited during development
it is recommended to use it in debug mode (in tpf2 settings)
in 2 languages, de & en
experimental hybrid tracks with switches are not correctly displayed
other track types and the hybrid tracks sometimes cannot be upgraded or changed via magic stick
“minor” optical disadvantages
track selection menu from installed track types
Do you have any tips or found any bugs? Feel free to give me some feedback.
Constructive criticism is welcome; swearing will be deleted.
Please don’t add a wishlist for further stations! I already have enough on my to-do pile for this year…
Use at your own risk. All rights reserved.