[TGR] RMS Campania and Lucania

[TGR] RMS Campania and Lucania
This mod presents in game British liners RMS Campania and RMS Lucania.
RMS Campania and RMS Lucania were a British ocean liners owned by the Cunard Steamship Line Shipping Company. Identical in dimensions and specifications, Campania and Lucania were the largest and fastest passenger liner afloat when they entered service in 1893. Campania crossed the Atlantic in less than six days, and on her second voyage in 1893, she won the prestigious Blue Riband, previously held by the Inman Liner SS City of Paris. The following year, Lucania won the Blue Riband and kept the title until 1898 – Campania being the marginally slower of the two sisters.
Specifications RMS Campania and Lucania
Cost: 12 339k
Available: 1893-1918
Power: 31 000kW
Speed: 45 km/h
Weight: 18 450t
Maintenance: 2 056k
Capacity: passengers: 500, cargo: 50×3
Life span: 40 years
Mod creators are not responsible for the mod and/or game performance. Use this mod at your own risk.