A1 Class 4-4-0 (FIN)

A1 Class 4-4-0 (FIN)
Manufactured by Canada Works, at that time owned by Peto, Brassey & Betts. The A1s were up-to-date and powerful engines with good turn speeds. It was the most powerful engine on Finnish railways until the 1890s. Finnish state railways used A1 series for all types of duties.
Top speed: 80 km/h
Power: 306kw
Tractive Effort: 30kn
Weight: 29+20t
Lifespan: 40
Available: 1860-1912
Price and running costs are defined by the game automatically.
Technical data and information are from the book, The Steam Locomotives of the Finnish State Railways.
Thanks to OlaHaldor for making UV maps and Yoshi fixing piston animation!