Alternative International Airport

Alternative International Airport
Let me present the next in the series: ALTERNATIVE INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT (AIA)!
It is quite a heavily modified, larger version of the vanilla airport, adding yet more variety and realism to the game.
This airport features (in 9 MB only):
– NEW – double capacity PASSENGER & CARGO terminals!
– NEW asphalt runway and concrete taxiway,
– placing approach lights paints the whole runway with markings,
– better PAPI lights placement,
– seamless blending with the environment of the airport (no more grass under the runway in the desert climate),
– NEW darker apron texture without a second row of SPOTLIGHTS for easy taxiing (no more clipping wings with larger aircraft) – all modules,
– NEW fuel pumps on the ground of aircraft stands (gates) – passenger and CARGO for easy refueling,
– Main Airport Building with HELIPAD, name display, new C sign for pilots, and radar on top of ATC Tower,
(special thanks to @QQxiaoshui-2 for sharing the code for the name display and helping with placement!)
– second runway available from 1960 with center lights and lights on the taxiway,
– runway and taxiway further apart for better spacing,
– airport fence removed for easy decoration,
– various scenery objects added (buses, pylons, baggage carts, aircraft stairs…)
– dedicated icons in the airport and configuration menu,
– …and finally….aircraft liveries really POP! ….they look so much better on the darker runway and in aprons!
TIP: If you want to use the second runway for landing and the first one for take-off, after constructing both runways and taxiways, simply move the terminal and gates to the new taxiway on the opposite side. Then landing direction can be changed, and the configuration will remain. The shorter approach lights are now available all the time.
P.S. The render distance of the airport name display is something I haven’t been able to increase, also main building vanilla module will have a name display now. When I figure it out how to handle that, I will release an update!
Feedback when constructive is of course welcome, thank you and as always – happy flying!