Art Deco Retaining Walls

Art Deco Retaining Walls
A new system for making retaining walls.
Designed with elevated railways in mind, and very popular at the later end of the steam era. Watch the video below to see how to make your own railways.
Some Notes:
Walls are tracks, eliminating the concern for bridge heights
“Retaining Wall Ready” tracks have insane slope cutoffs and are designed to have the ground hidden by the walls.
Because of the need to hide the ground, that’s why the walls have a track width of 1.25m and stick out a bit farther than the tracks.
Preset bridges will be made, as a separate mod, with this and NAB as a dependency. They’ll be tracking construction files with variable track count and bridge width.
This mod works excellently with Enzojz’s parallel track mod. I encourage you to grab that. Otherwise, it can be difficult to line up the abutments.
Lowering the Minimum Bridge Height and Tunnel Depth
UG snuck in some time ago a beta feature to lower and raise the heights/depths of the bridges/tunnels. It’s not something that can be enabled in the settings menu and needs to be manually adjusted from “false” to “true” in the “settings.lua” file.
Depending on your OS, it’s located below.
Userdata folder: Windows: C:Program Files (x86)Steamuserdata1066780local Linux: ~/.local/share/Steam/userdata//1066780/local or: ~/.steam/steam/userdata//1066780/local MacOS: /Users//Library/Application Support/Steam/userdata//1066780/local
Search for this line:
experimentalTunnelAndBridgeMinHeight = false,
and change false to true.