Asset Badischer Bahnhof Basel Depot TF2

Asset Badischer Bahnhof Basel Depot TF2
Track asset of the depot of the Badischer Bahnhof in Basel.
Attention, this depot has no function at the moment and is only intended for beautiful construction!
Find it under Assets – Track Assets.
Available from 1890.
Cost = 840000
– 8 different color combinations can be selected
– 3 additional extensions
– Find auxiliary tracks for exact alignment of the tracks under depots.
Track Asset of the Depot Badischer Bahnhof Basel
Caution this depot has no function jet it’s only for beauty building!
To find go to assets – track assets.
Availability from 1890.
Cost = 840000
– 8 different color combinations can be selected
– 3 Additional extensions
– Auxiliary tracks for exact alignment of the tracks can be found under depots