bb8100 Mod

bb8100 Mod
Here is the BB 8100 "good for everything". A worthy successor to the first light electric locomotives of the SNCF type BB 1a80 / midi / 4700 …
They appeared in 1948 to tow freight trains as well as omnibuses or express trains.
But enough limited in speed they will be relegated more and more to the trailer of Freight trains at the appearance
BB Jacquemin BB 9200/9300 called speed.
In the 60's they pass their first Great General Revision (GRG), with visible modifications,
the appearance of red lights and modification of the front windows.
After the 80s their decline begins. Some BB 8100 will be modified to do only the stripping of passenger trains
between Paris Austerlitz station and
the Massena passenger car storage site renumbered as BB 80000.
Their numbers decreased greatly in the 2000s and completely disappeared in 2011.
This is the BB 8100 "the all-rounder". They appeared in 1948 to pull freight trains as well as omnibuses and even express trains.
But rather limited in speed they will be relegated more and more to the trailer of the Freight trains at the time of the appearance
of the BB Jacquemin BB 9200/9300 known as speed.
In the 60's they passed their first Great General Revision (GRG), with as visible modification,
the appearance of red lights and the modification of the front windows.
After the 80's their decline began. Some BB 8100 will be modified to make only the unblocking of the passenger trains
between the Paris Austerlitz station and the Paris Austerlitz train station.
the Massena passenger car storage yard and renumbered as BB 80000.
Their numbers decrease greatly in the 2000s to completely disappear in 2011.
4 lod
light system
7 versions including a multiple unit
8 assets to enhance your maps
Thanks to Alkolique for its precious help.