Better Terrain Brushes Mod

Better Terrain Brushes Mod
This mod greatly improves terrain brushes
Transport Fever 2 has some nice terrain tool features but they are quite weak in their standard version, to the point that we usualy need to raise size and strength of the brush to the max each time we want to flatten some terrain and it’s often not enough and we need to make several passes until terrain was clean enough.
So this mod aims at changing this by making terrain brushes a lot more powerful :
– Maximum brush size x2
– Minimum Brush strength x10 (still displayed as 0.1 in the interface though)
– Maximum Brush strength x2.5 (still displayed as 1.0 in the interface though)
– Reworked original brushes : corrected soft circle preview in the UI, reduced circle size by 1 pixel to make perfectly round hills.
– Added 2 new brushes to make more natural terrains
– 50% bigger brush preview in the UI for easy pick
About the preview picture
The preview picture shows a test of every brushes with standard settings and with this mod. For each brush, I set the maximum size and strength and I applied a 2 second pressure of the mouse button. I also took as little as possible time to create little mountains behind brushes test, left one with original soft circle brush, middle one with the first new brush and the right one with the 2nd new brush.