BR Class 37/9s (Slugs) Mod

BR Class 37/9s (Slugs) Mod
This Pack Includes Reskins of killakans’s Class 37 Model And 2 New Sound Sets For Mirrless and Ruston Engines, And edited Performance to match what they had irl
In 1986 BR Decided to Make 6 Prototype Locos Out of 6 Class 37 Locomotives, 37s 150 (901), 148 (902), 249 (903), 125 (904), 136 (905) And 206 (906), they were Originally gonna be classified as Class 38 Locos but instead decided to just go for A Subclass Class 37/9, the locos were converted in 1986 and 1987 with numbers 901, 902, 905, 906 being completed in 1986 and 903 and 904 breaking cover a year later. locos 901 to 904 were fitted with the Mirrlees 6MB275T & 905 and 906 Being given the Ruston 6RK270T, and they got straight to work on iron ore and steel dutys around South Wales, all locos were based at Cardiff Canton Depot, and all got a grey large logo paint job. in 1992 the entire fleet were given Triple Grey Paint Jobs with Metal Sector Markings 902 and 904 carried A plain Version Of Triple Grey From 1988 and 1989, 1995 saw the fleets decline, with only 901 and 906 getting the new privatisation livery TransRail, and the Last Loco from the fleet got withdrawn in 1998, But it wasnt over yet, 906 was resurrected For the EWS Classic Traction Event in 1999 and it showed that the class wasnt dead yet and wasnt going to die without a fight, after the gala 906 Became Fondly Known Publicly as Slug6 it was a nickname drivers gave it over the years as it became a pet loco through the years. Slugs was also a nickname given to the class by Enthusiasts cuz of their tendency to move like one. in 2000 906 went to another gala and also was repainted back into its original grey largelogo livery, and was later preserved by the ruston 906 group in 2005. some of its brothers weren’t so lucky 902, 903 and 904 were scrapped in 2005, but 901 and 905 were preserved by preserved lines, althought, in 2015 a big shake up happened. 905 and 906 were bought by UK Rail Leasing, and 901 Went to EuroPheonix and gained the full livery in 2019 but still hasnt run with europheonix, 905 has now been stored at leicester and 906 is currently in bits being refirbed by the Ruston 906 Group,
lets hope these locos Return soon as we all need that sluggy goodness in our lives.
Liveries Included:
Grey Largelogo: Available in 1986 and 1987, (901,902,903,904,905,906)
Plain Triple Grey: Available in 1988 And 1989 (902,904)
Triple Grey Metals Sector: Available in 1992 And 2009 (Preserved version) (901,902,903,904,905,906)
TransRail: Available in 1995, 1998, 1999 and 2000 (901,906)
BR Green: Available in 2013 (905)
EuroPheonix: Available in 2019 (901)
Reskins By Funclive
Model By killakans