Bridges Collection N.01: Tower Bridge (London)

Bridges Collection N.01: Tower Bridge (London)
The Tower Bridge is a bascule and suspension bridge in London, built between 1886 and 1894, which crosses the River Thames near the Tower of London and has become one of the city’s symbols. For this reason, Tower Bridge is sometimes confused with London Bridge, located about half a mile upriver.
Tower Bridge London
The first bridge of our new Bridges Collection comes in six different settings… and we put in some FUN. For free. Is that also your thing? You got to see it on your own…!
Animated road bridge realised as depot *25kmph *only for player vehicles (only buses) *pedestrians only use upper bridges
five asset versions without animation, but with some cool settings
A | Simple Bridge version *accesable for all road traffic
B | Super Jumping Fun Time-version! *everybody is allowed to jump
C | Adjustable Angle (asset) version *for all traffic closed
D | Fictional single Track Rail version
E | One Track version with double connections
all versions can be set as right- or left-handed traffic
original model from LMG
in 2 languages, de & en
You find the animated bridge in road > buildings > category “Bridges Collection” *available from 1894the assets are in assets & category “Bridges Collection” *also 1894 to avoid wrong road connections, place the bridge and afterward connect it with the roads some models might be edited during the development
option for old-style roads
rail version with an animated bridge
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Use at your own risk. All rights reserved.