Budd Metroliners Mod

Budd Metroliners Mod
A port of my Metroliner repaints from Transport Fever 1.
Includes paint schemes for Pennsy, Penn Central, and Amtrak.
Each paint scheme consists of two consists. The first consist has a snack bar car and a coach, while the other has two coaches. Due to the way that this mod is set up, the first consist with the snack bar should only be used once per train, in the front. Otherwise, there’d be multiple bells ringing. You can add as many trailing pairs as you like.
Custom soundset includes:
Leslie horn
Bell (active under 26 mph or something)
Track noises (except joints)
squealy brakes
retractable stairs slamming
Thank to you n.chiri for helping me finish this mod.
Please comment any issues you find.