ČKD 700/701 T211.0/T211.1 (Bobik)

ČKD 700/701 T211.0/T211.1 (Bobik)
Locomotives of the 701 series (formerly T 211.1) are diesel locomotives designed for light station shunting in railway stations, locomotive depots, and on sidings of companies. They were created by modernizing the 700 series machines.
Producer/reconstruction ČKD / ČSD
Year of manufacture 1979
Number of units produced 364
Operator ČSD, ŽSR, ČD, private carriers
Period of operation 1979-present
Permanent power 169 kW
Maximum tractive effort 57 kN
Maximum speed 40 km/h
The 700 series locomotive (until 1988 the T 211.0 series) is a two-axle diesel locomotive with mechanical power transmission. It was designed for depot shunting, station shunting, and siding operation.
Manufacturer/reconstruction ČKD / ČSD
Year of manufacture 1957
Period of operation 1957-present
Permanent power 127 kW
Maximum tractive effort 57 kN
Maximum speed 40 km/h