Configurable freight station

Configurable freight station
A configurable truck station with several options.
This mod owes its origins to @Nelso’s High Capacity Road Station. I used that one all the time in TPF1 and wanted something like it for TPF2.
You can select from 1 to 8 platforms.
Platform capacity increases in multiples of 16, with these values being doubled or tripled with the wider platform options. If you select the maximum length and width, each platform will hold 384 items. Not quite warehouse level, but probably sufficient for most applications. With the addition of shared storage, this limit is now increased considerably.
One entrance, which I refer to as ‘east’ is fixed. The other two, ‘west’ and ‘south’ are optional.
There are a number of cosmetic options available to you – entrance road type, ground textures, platform textures, and fences. These don’t affect functionality in any way, they just let you add some variety to different stations.
Freight trams are supported if you want to go there. If you’re using the two-lane entranceways, each lane is available as an exit to each platform. This will ensure that you don’t have trams, or trucks for that matter, doing goofy things because they want to turn left on the exit.
As a word of warning, it’s really not a good idea to change the station’s layout while there are trucks in it. While I was working on it, I did this any number of times and occasionally ended up with vehicles being reversed in place, effectively becoming left-hand drives. This caused some serious traffic issues, as one might imagine. There was no solution other than selling the affected vehicles and deleting the station. I think I have eliminated the cause of this problem, but I still won’t recommend changing the geometry of the station without first clearing out any vehicles present.
I left the availability of the station-wide open. It started in 1850. If you want to change that, you can edit the very first line in res/construction/station/street/dsd_rs4.con
v1.1 – fixed problems with the internal lane structure
v1.2 – fixed problems with the internal lane structure
v1.3 – bug fix
v1.4 – added shared storage
v1.5 – stopped spamming stdout.txt
I like it and looks great. Also the different styles to choose from are cute.
I only have a problem with use it. I replaced a vanilla station on my map, connect the new station with the road, but I get error message for the line that not all stations could reached.
Maybe the problem sits in front of screen – I´ll try again…