Connums German Traffic Assets TF2

Connums German Traffic Assets TF2
A collection of German traffic signs (usable as waypoints or collision-free assets) and (in the future) other traffic-related assets.
You can use the in-game asset search to search via sign number or description.
* Create rest of the signs
* Create supplementary signs
* Implement configurable multi-sign post
* fine tune the dimensions of the different sign shapes
* When using signs that are specifically for positioning on the left as waypoints, offset them accordingly (if possible at all due to different road widths, otherwise just rotate them 180 degrees)
* Different variants for the signs with varying numerical values (distance/height/weight)
* Different size variants
* Add other assets like speed cameras, roadworks assets, traffic islands…
* Translations (Asset names and descriptions currently German only)
Version 1.7.0:
* Added framed double-sided zone signs
Version 1.6.0:
* Added all square blue signs
Version 1.5.0:
* Added one-way road signs (220-10 and 220-20)
Version 1.4.0:
* Added exit arrow signs (blue/yellow/white; 333/333.1/333.1-20)
Version 1.3.0:
* Fixed missing preview images for new speed signs used as signals
Version 1.2.0:
* Added new asset category “Misc. German assets”
* Added first asset: Verteilerkasten (doppeltürig)
Version 1.1.0:
* Fixed description string of sign 105-20
* Added full range of speed signs: 274-5 to 274-40 and 274-80 to 274-130, 278-5 to 278-40 and 278-80 to 278-130
* for signs 274-* and 278-* (speed signs / end of speed limit signs), there is now only one asset with a configurable value
Version 1.0.0:
* Includes all triangular, round, octagonal and diamond shaped signs from 101 to 151 (§40 Absatz 6 und 7 StVO), 205 to 286-31 (§ 41 Absatz 1 StVO), and 301 to 307, 390 to 392 (§42 Absatz 2 StVO)