Decorative Spare Axles & Wheels

Decorative Spare Axles & Wheels
This small pack is a number of wheels and axles taken from several of my mods and converted into a standalone pack of placeable assets for detailing purposes. The pack includes both new and rusted wheels, and they are available both mounted on axles and loose on the ground. These are purely decorative details for depots and scrapyards and the like and serve no gameplay purpose.
The assets will snap to nearby rails, but this can be temporarily disabled by holding the shift key.
You can rotate assets by using the M and N keys, or by pressing shift while holding the left mouse button and moving the mouse cursor sideways.
You can also raise and lower the assets using the and. keys, or by holding alt and moving the mouse.
Tilting the assets sideways can be achieved by using the O and P keys.
Tilting the assets forwards or backward can be achieved by using the [] keys.
You can also tilt and rotate in smaller increments by holding the shift key.
Requests and Feedback
Constructive feedback is always welcome, and I love reading your comments, so if you have any notes on what I can improve, or just want to leave a nice message, by all means, please leave a post below!