Early Cargo Shed

Early Cargo Shed
Generic Early Cargo Shed Buildings and Assets
Something I’ve had on the back burner for a while, this is a number of custom platforms, assets, and buildings that can be used to give your steam era or heritage cargo stations a bit more life. I’ve tried to make them fairly generic in nature so that you can mix and match them and create custom configurations and the like – for example, there are some free-standing roof sections that can be used as roofs for your goods stations, or they can be configured as an open-air engine or carriage shelter, or the overpass pieces can be attached to a good shed to make a rudimentary grain elevator, etc.
I’ve also included a set of the vanilla cargo buildings with changed material files, swapping out the roof and walls with the textures for the era (the 1850s) passenger buildings (which my models also use), so you can mix and match to make a large mixed traffic terminal and the like. This also has the added bonus of keeping the file size WAY down.
The platforms and new goods buildings can be found in the ‘cargo shed’ category – place a station, select it, and hit the configure button to find the pieces. I didn’t include a script for a pre-made station, as this mod isn’t exactly well suited to just plopping down a pre-configured setup, so you’ll have to use some creativity.
This is an initial release, and still a bit rough around the edges, but it needs play testing, so while I’ve tried to ensure there aren’t any bugs, I can’t guarantee them, so please report any if they appear, and I’ll get onto them ASAP.
I’d like to give a HUGE thanks to [190]Yocto for the excellent Freight Yard Framework mod, as this mod uses some parts of it (with permission) to hide cargo on platforms. This mod wouldn’t exist without their work, and I’m incredibly grateful.
– Multiple cargo platform variants, such as buildings and covered platforms detailed with crates and barrels;
– Smaller detail station pieces such as ramps or doors for the goods buildings;
– Placeable assets (set to align with rails for easy placement) including overpasses, covered stairs, and roof pieces that can be used to detail stations or create carriage sheds and other misc buildings.
– Blank cargo platform (that does not visibly fill with waiting for cargo);
– Reskins of the vanilla cargo buildings to match the era of passenger station buildings and this set.
– Small file size using existing textures and material files.
– Platforms and assets are organized into their own category for ease of use.