EMD E8 Milwaukee Road Units

EMD E8 Milwaukee Road Units
The CMStP&P for many years ran its own passenger trains, with its own color scheme, more pumpkin orange than yellow. By the late 50s, the Chicago and North Western track had deteriorated and there were slow orders and congestion that affected the performance of the crack “City” streamliners that were routed by the UP over the Northwestern into Chicago. So the UP ended its partnership with the C&NW and entered into one with Milwaukee Road on October 10, 1955. But the UP streamliners were almost always all UP-colors, even when some equipment was owned by the SP (the Challenger, the 49’er, and the City of San Francisco) and the Northwestern (nearly all). So the Milwaukee agreed to paint its share of the through trains to UP colors, and they did, and then, since after this change of UP streamliner routing, the majority of intercity passenger equipment on the Milwaukee was in through service with the UP anyway, they went ahead and repainted the rest of their passenger equipment.
What’s Inside?
Milwaukee Road E9A #32A (1956)
Milwaukee Road E9B #32B (1956)
Milwaukee Road E9A #35C (1956)
Thanks to
Meatball for the required files
Irreplaceble for the commission <3
Iskeetskeet for the additional screenshots!
Required items:
EMD 567 Soundsets