EMD SW1500

EMD SW1500
The EMD SW1500 was intended for working light branch lines or in industrial settings. With the horsepower rating, weight, and top speed similar to those of the GP7 released a decade prior, it offered all capabilities of a road switcher. Many Class I railroads purchased the model, with the Southern Pacific alone buying more than 200 units. Today, many railroads all across North America still utilize the SW1500 for yard and switching duties.
– 3 Lod’s
– Aging
– A custom sound set
– Locomotives as assets
– Reversible
Technical specifications:
– Maximum speed: 65 mph / 105 km/h
– Power: 1500hp / 1119 kW
– Tractive effort: 62000 lbs / 276 kN
– Availability: from 1968
Units marked with a nc are meant to be used as trailing units or DPUs, they offer turned-off horn and bell sounds.
This mod uses VacuumTube’s ParamBuilder.
Required items:
Base Set