EMP: production challenge

EMP: production challenge
Combine this mod with others from the modpack to change your experience even more.
What does this mod do?
Change production amount, count of levels, count of generated industries, and demand of cities.
In Options of the mod, all multiplications can be changed as you please. Details see above in the screenshots.
The following multiplications are available:
production amount
count of source industries (e.g. mines)
count of end industries (e.g. machine factories)
count of industries per city (default is 34 per 3 cities)
Option to have more levels for industries will get you an extra challenge:
To reach high capacities on higher levels, you first have to go through the smaller levels. The industry needs at least one year to upgrade to the next level.
If industries have high-end capacities, the system will be adjusted, to prevent industries to have more than 10 levels. Higher levels will then lead to a greater increase in production per level.
ATTENTION! After activation or if you change settings for this mod, you have to go one step back to map generation before starting a new map! Otherwise, TPF2 will ignore some changes in map generation. This is a problem from TPF2.
This mod changes a file called “industryutil.lua” and is not compatible with other mods from other users, that do the same. All mods of my Economy Modding Pack can be combined!
Should work with other industry mods, but there can be problems, so please test it first. I can only test with my mods from my pack, sorry! But feel free to report back if you find problems.
How to test: Generate a new map with this mod and the (script-)mods you want to test activated. Activate “Sandbox”-Mod, too! After the game started, select industries and open the configuration window for them. Now change the level and close the configuration. If the game doesn’t have crashed yet, this is a good sign. Look at the industry window and check the production could at the given level. Repeat, changing the level of this and other industries (of all kinds). If no crash happens, it works as intended.
Part of Economy Modding Pack