Expanded Cargo Demands (4 per city) Mod

Expanded Cargo Demands (4 per city) Mod
TLDR: 2 Cargo items per Commercial & Industrial sector, with TWICE the demand per building, allowing for extreme cargo movement needs.
Made from modifying FxUK’s mod, so a huge thank you (and most of the credit) to them!
Alternative Versions:
> Static Version – 4 items per city. (My favorite)
> Static Version – 6 items per city.
> Dynamic Version – 1850: 2 items, 1920: 4 items, 1990: 6 items.
> Progressive Version – 1850: 2 food/construction, 1920: + tools/fuel, 1990: + goods/machines.
Compatible with Industry Diversity by Magnetic Reaper
– Adds new resource chains and city demands
Compatible with Industry Expanded by Col0Korn
– Adds new resource chains
Third-party compatible mods that include residential demands, will increase the number of items demanded by the cities, additional industrial/commercial goods will stick within the set limit of 4 max per city
Industry mods that use only the base products for city supply are compatible by default, however mods adding products can be made compatible by the mod author – see info at the bottom of the description for more details.
This mod is not compatible with other mods that make changes to townbuildingutil.lua
An additional 2 demands will begin to form in your cities
Building capacity and the primary item will determine the new demand(s)
* Level 1 buildings have a
75% chance of default item,
25% of a secondary item
* Level 2 buildings have a
50% chance of default item,
50% of a secondary item
* Level 3 buildings have a
33% chance of a default,
33% chance of 2 items and
33% chance of 1 secondary item.
* Level 4 buildings accept 2 items, based on the primary demand (x or y)
This allows a maximum of 4 items in total being demanded by the city.
Known issue
Currently, The zoomed out overview (City name/icons) does not show the additional demands, but clicking the city does and they are accepted (See screenshot). I believe this is hardcoded in the engine.
Save game safe?
This mod is save-game safe and can added/removed at any time.
If removed, just bear in mind that additional demands will remain in your cities until the buildings change/upgrade or are replaced. If added to an existing game, cities will need to develop to begin demanding new items.
Mod Authors
Industry Mod authors, specifically those adding new products for city consumption, can include a compatibility file to enable this mod to pick use the new products, by simply adding their product(s) into the relevant list.
Copy and edit the file listed below, so its in the same path within your mod: res/scripts/expanded_industry.lua
The default file (with some comments) can be found:
Load order needs to have expanded cargo above any industry mod
1 – Expanded Cargo
2 – Industry Mod
This will over-ride the defaults with the options specified in your mod, however only one additional product mod will work at any one time, although can obviously contain multiple new products