FM Erie-built

FM Erie-built
The Erie-built was the first streamlined, cab-equipped dual service diesel locomotive built by Fairbanks-Morse, introduced as direct competition to such models as the ALCO PA and FA, and EMD FT. F-M lacked the space and staff to design and manufacture large road locomotives in their own plant at Beloit, Wisconsin, and was concerned that waiting to develop the necessary infrastructure would cause them to miss out on the market opportunity for large road locomotives.
Olympian Hiawatha
Union Pacific
Max Speed: 133 km/h
Engine type: diesel
Power: 1490 kW
Tractive effort: 244 kN
Emission: 73
Weight: 120 t
Build date: 1945
Lifespan: 50 years
Price: $5.684.644
Maint/year: $947.441