French inspired road kit

French inspired road kit
This mod brings in a few changes to roads inspired by French roads.
It is however not France-specific and will fit fine with any game.
Firstly, speed limits stick to what they are in France, with variations due to game needs:
– 50 km/h for cities,
– 90 km/h in the countryside, slower on dirt roads and tracks,
– 110 km/h for freeways,
– 130 km/h on highways.
Improved localization for French using more specific naming when it applies (ex. “Voie express”, “Route Nationale”…)
Various changes:
– new french-style direction arrows by Densha weeb from Transport Fever France
– small dirt country road won’t expire over time,
– 2 new roads types with trees, plus a new filter for them,
– improved city streets assets distribution,
– a new category for freeways (rural 2×2 and 2×3 lanes roads),
– highways ramps now have borderlines,
– redone some categories’ icons (one-way is French-ized, country road is de-US-ized),
– modern trash cans are much less bright, same for “colonne Morris” roof,
– new textures for streets’ tree beds,
– French “La poste” logo on the mailbox
– added some French ads for street stations,
– new bus lanes graphics (width adjustment, lateral line, and more intense color for highways f.e.).