FS Swing ATR220 train

FS Swing ATR220 train
The Swing, another beautiful train that runs along the Italian railway lines (as well as a masterpiece of contemporary art), is unfortunately part of the Trenitalia fleet since 2012 and has been registered as ATR 220.
This diesel multiple units is a Pesa Atribo train, built by the Polish company. The same type of convoy has already been in use in Poland since the early 2000s and arrived in Italy in 2008, by an order of the FSE administration. Subsequently, the same product was also sold to Trenitalia, Trenord and TPER.
The train, in the basic composition, is realized by two power units and a towed one, with bogies located between the rolling stocks. Each power unit has a supercharged Voith R2876T3 diesel engine with a power of 390Kw. The transmission of motion occurs only on the extreme bogies, through a four-speed gearbox with the hydrodynamic joint. The maximum speed allowed is 130km/h.
As in the case of other modern trains, the swing has a low floor for easier access for passengers, even with reduced mobility.
It has never shone in terms of comfort and reliability: one of the biggest problems is the tendency to form dangerous cracks on the bogeys. Another problem whose origin is questionable is the fact that, due to carriage wheelbase and axial mass, the atr220s are not allowed to travel in the Italian rank C (top speed allowed on the railway lines) like the old Aln668s or minutes, remaining confined to rank B. At last, the power of the engines is rather limited in relation to the services it is called upon to perform and is often not sufficient.
Max speed: 130km/h
Power: 780kW
Tractive Effort: 140kN
Capacity: 40
Year from 2012