Ghost Train

Ghost Train
3 locomotives, a wagon, and a truck that are invisible.
For those times when you want some haunted carriages/wagons running about.
Or you feel like that train over there needs just a little extra help getting up the hill.
Or that train just isn’t carrying enough.
Technical Details:
Invisible Locomotive [Power] [Tractive]
Speed: 999 km/h
Power: 500 kW [2500 kW]
Tractive: 50 kN [250 kN]
Weight: 1t
Emissions: 0
Running Cost: 10,000 [12,500]
Cost: 250,000
Reversible: Yes
Length: 0m
Availability: Always and forever
Lifespan: 136 years
Invisible Wagon:
Speed: 999 km/h
Capacity: 50 (configurable in the GT_Config file)
Cargo Type: All
Weight: 1t
Emissions: 0
Running Cost: 10,000
Cost: 250,000
Reversible: Yes
Length: 0m
Availability: Always and forever
Lifespan: 136 years
Invisible Truck:
Speed: 999 km/h
Power: 500 kW
Tractive: 150 kN
Capacity: 50 (configurable in the GT_Config file)
Cargo Type: All
Weight: 1t
Emissions: 0
Running Cost: 5,000
Cost: 25,000
Availability: Always and forever
Lifespan: 136 years
Cargo types for Industry Restored, Industry Expanded, IE: Mail and waste addon, and Senseless Industries are explicitly defined.
Industry Diversity cargo types are also defined but currently crashes on load. Magnetic Reaper needs to update ID.
Custom icons.
As usual with all of the content I upload.
Feel free to do whatever you like with this mod, other than giving credit, there are no limitations.