Grander Stations Mod

Grander Stations Mod
This mod edits the 1850s passenger station. To be more specific, it…
…makes the 1850s passenger station buildings open directly onto the station platform (no “spacer” platform in between). This works nicely with oppiesc’s Modular Station Roof mods because it means that the modular rooves extend all the way to the station buildings.
…decorates platforms (places assets) dynamically based on neighbouring modules (the three main styles are “track on both sides,” “track on one side,” and “track on neither side”). This makes it possible to create wider passenger platforms that still look good by stacking 2 or 3 platforms side-by-side.
…adds formal gardens to make the space out front of the station buildings seem less empty / more grand.
…makes the station buildings (other than the small side building) act as staircases (to the passenger underpasses). This means it is often not necessary to place stairs on platforms which sit directly beside station buildings.
…makes all these components available forever
Known Issues
Because I was only able to remove the spacer platform from the 1850s station buildings (so far), their footprints are now different from the 1920s and 1980s stations. This will only be an issue if you are in the habit of replacing your 1850s station buildings with newer buildings as they become available.
Small and medium station buildings which are placed facing the seam between two platforms will not connect to the underground path network.
Some module combinations give humorous results. For example, placing one of oppiesc’s modular station rooves right beside a large station building can cause one of the roof support pillars to run vertically through the station’s main entrance, and placing platform stairs right next to station buildings can cause the stairs to block the station entrances. The “track on neither side” platform decorations are too tall for the standard roofs (but then would you really want a roof on a tree?).
The pedestrain lanes that connect from station building interiors to the pedestrian underpasses were something I kind of rushed and therefore sometimes form rather unrealistic shapes. So far as I know, this won’t be noticeable when watching pedestrians walk around, but I haven’t tested thoroughly enough to be 100% sure.
For the platform decorations to react dynamically, this mod must be loaded after any other mods which edit the station .module files (e.g. “Extended Station Configuration Options”).
Adding this mod is “WARNING” because it shrinks the sizes of 1850s station buildings (update occurs when the station is configured, not when it is loaded), which may break their street connections. The game won’t crash, but it may be difficult to play.
Removing this mod is “CRITICAL” because doing so would increase the size of the 1850s station buildings (whenever the station is next configured), which could cause collisions.