h4e Game Console Controller Mod

h4e Game Console Controller Mod
The Mod h4e Game Console Controller is not a standard mod for Transport Fever.
The Game Console Controller is a Windows application that was only developed for Windows 10.
After subscribing to the mod, the application h4e Game Console Controller.exe must be started. This file can be found under the following file path if Steam has been installed in the standard path:
C:Program Files (x86)Steamsteamappsworkshopcontent10667802073819659
When the application is started for the first time, the user’s computer is searched to automatically find all compatible games and their associated settings files. Depending on the amount of data on the computer, this process can take a few minutes.
Each time the program is started, this loading time does not apply.
The Game Console Controller offers the possibility to change game settings via a simple console window and to start the game directly from the console.
The following games are currently supported:
Train Fever, Transport Fever and Transport Fever 2.
It is a very early beta version, not all is working in the console! Updates will follow!
More functions will follow.
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