je_4 Modular Station & Elevated Modular Station 3

je_4 Modular Station & Elevated Modular Station 3
Asset and track and station module mod, which looks like JR East.
Under “Station”→”Construction” you will find:
Buildings for platforms on ground x3(3 Modules 4 Appearances
Elevated buildings for platforms on ground x2(2 Modules 1 Appearances)
Buildings for platforms elevated x2(2 Modules 1 Appearances)
Platforms with a height of 760mm x5(1.5/2.5/6.5m width. 5 Modules 3 Appearances)
Platforms with a height of 920mm x5(1.5/6.5m width. 5 Modules 3 Appearances)
Platforms with a height of 1100mm x6(1.5/2.5/6.5m width, underpass. 6 Modules 4 Appearances)
(+3m) Platforms with a height of 1100mm x2(6.5m width, underpass. 2 Modules 2 Appearances)
Elevated(+10m)Platforms with a height of 1100mm x2(6.5m width, underpass. 2 Modules 2 Appearances)
Roofs x5(On 1.5/2.5/6.5m width or underpass platforms, these modules will change themselves to make them look better. 4 Modules 8 Appearances)
Overpasses x3(3 Modules 1 Appearances)
Name boards x19(On 1.5/2.5/6.5m width or elevated platforms, these modules will change themselves to make them look better. 7 Companies 19 Modules 10 Appearances
JR East·JR Central·JR West·Odakyu·Keikyu·Seibu·ETR
And more:
1067mm Trackx1
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This mod provided with the condition that users understand that the elevated platforms may cause “collision” when trying to “CONFIGURE” the station. If “collision”, users will be advised to clean up all the tracks connected to the station or streets or anything nearby before “CONFIGURE” the station.