JGR/JNR Tomu 19000,11000,50000,39000 Waggon Car

JGR/JNR Tomu 19000,11000,50000,39000 Waggon Car
Brief history of Tomu 19000, 11000, 50000, 39000 Wagon car
These wagon cars were built around the 1940s.
Tomu 19000 was a great steel-body wagon car before WW2, and based on another variate.
Tomu 11000 was a wood body wagon car, and which body of Tomu 19000 was exchanged from steel for wood.
Tomu 50000 was a wartime-designed one based on Tomu 11000.
Tomu 39000 was renovated from Tomu 19000, exchanging their body from steel to wood.
Finally, these wooden wagon cars were basically the same shape.
Spec in Game
Common Spec
Top speed: 65 km/h (One of Tomu 50000 variate runs 75 km/h)
Capacity: 13 units
Cargo: Coal, Iron Ore, Stone, Grain, Logs, Steel, Planks, Construction Materials
Tomu 19000 (1 variation)
Weight: 8.5 t
Available: 1938 – 1951
Tomu 11000 (2 variations)
Weight: 8.5 t
Available: 1940 – 1985
Tomu 50000 (3 variations)
Weight: 8.4 t
Available: 1940 – 1985
Tomu 39000 (2 variations)
Weight: 8.5 t
Available: 1949 – 1970