La Metro Breda A650

La Metro Breda A650
In 1993 the Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority (LACMTA) opened it’s first subway line. The vehicles used were the A650s, made in Italy by Breda. Those vehicles still serve the red (B) and purple (D) lines as of today, but are showing their age and are going to be replaced in the next years with modern subway cars.
There are always two cars permanently married together, so they usually operate as four or six-car trains.
Available from 1993 on
Top speed: 70mph (ca. 110km/h)
Power: 637kW per car
Tractive effort: 47N/m per car
Wheight: 80,000 pounds (36,290 kg) per car
lifespan. 30 years
Capacity: 45 per car, 90 per unit, so a full train holds up to 270 pax
There are 91 persons placed per car for those of you playing with realistic capacity mods
The length of a six-car train is about 138m
Note that the game doesn’t really support third rail, so this is a diesel train.
Special thanks go to MrCheesecake for the awesome sounds