Lodz-Greater Poland Land (Lodzer -Greaterpoland) 6K 1: 1 Mod

Lodz-Greater Poland Land (Lodzer -Greaterpoland) 6K 1: 1 Mod
Map size – 6K
Ratio – 1: 1
Map of parts of the Łódź and Greater Poland lands. The main cities of the region are Łódź, Konin, Kutno, and Sieradz. The size of cities in the game are trying to reflect the real size of cities.
Start Maps – 1850
Grids of Konina and Łódź streets based on historical maps from the 1870s (mapster)
Map size – 6K
Ratio – 1: 1
Map represents part of Lodzer land and Greaterpoland. Main cities in the region are Łódź, Konin, Kutno Sieradz.
Size of cities are kept to be close to real one.
Map starting date – 1850
Street network of Łódź and Konin cities inspired by original maps from 1870 from National Archives.