Mercedes-Benz Turismo (MA BB 1400) Mod

Mercedes-Benz Turismo (MA BB 1400) Mod
The Mercedes-Benz Tourismo (formerly designated as the Mercedes-Benz O 350) is an integral coach manufactured by Mercedes-Benz since 1994. It was initially manufactured in Hosdere, Turkey. In 2006 a revised version was launched. By 2014, 21,000 had been sold. This is the 2 axle version.
Top Speed : 120 km/h
Power : 315 kW
Capacity : 12
Loading Speed : 4x
Emission : 68
Weight : 18 t
Build date : 2006
Lifespan : 29
Price : $447,111
Maint. Per Year : $74,519
If you wants increase the capacity you can use this extra Mercedes Benz Tourismo 2 Axle Optimized Capacity , first enable the main vehicle and then the extra
So I’m sorry for the lateness of this one, I was said 2 weeks but its more 🙁 Yeah my day is getting busier and busier so here’s the 2 axle version of the Tourismo.