Mission Exposition Universelle

Mission Exposition Universelle
The story
Paris, 1889. The hundredth anniversary of the French Revolution. To commemorate this, the French government is organizing another world fair. A time to celebrate one hundred years of progress, and to get France back on the world stage! You have to make sure all the necessary goods arrive at the construction site. So that Paris will once again play host to the world!
The mission
This mission is part of the Inventors & Adventurers campaign. I converted my Exposition Universelle 1889 map into a mission. I made small changes to the map and added different quests.
The map:
Very Large 1:2 map covering the area between Le Havre and Strasbourg.
Most of the map is in France. Later in the game, you are also allowed to build in England, Belgium, Luxembourg, Germany, and Switzerland.
Hand-painted maps, and carefully placed towns and industries.
The game plays in 1889. The date does not change during the game, but can be changed after the completion of the mission.
During the first part of the game, you have to transport different construction materials to the construction site of the World’s Fair. In the second part, after the opening of the exposition, you will be given quests to make sure participating countries have a great time at the exposition, and earn their trust so that you can operate in their territory.
Several typical features:
Cutscenes that introduce the game
Exposition assets with various construction stages
3D model of the Eiffel Tower. Original 3D by Jeremy_Zh, repainted in the original color and converted to TpF2 by me.
3D model of the Palais des Machines (I made it myself)
Lots of new cargo types: bread, champagne, chardonnay grapes, cheese, chocolate, clothes, cocoabeans, cotton, fish, glass, gold, light bulbs, livestock, meat, milk, pinot gris grapes, pinot noir grapes, potash, red wine, sugar, watches, white wine.
French accordion/jazz music. Most songs by Dana Boulé (Songs for Paris)
All roofs have been painted blue to give it a Parisian feel.
Many thanks to Rommel Chan for testing the game.
Note: The campaign aims to portray key milestones in the history of transportation as vividly as possible in their historical context. They also deal with dark chapters in the world’s events, whereby the corresponding episodes are never supposed to be downplayed, and the victims within them are never ridiculed. After all, it shouldn’t be left by the wayside that the history of transportation was often and still is a story of conflicts, oppression, and sometimes great suffering. Accordingly, the value judgements conveyed in the individual missions do not reflect the developer’s own values.
Required items:
Campaign Inventors & Adventurers