Mission RV Belgica

Mission RV Belgica
The story
For three hundred years explorers have been active in pushing aside the realms of the unknown toward the north pole, but the equally interesting south pole has, during all this time, been almost wholly neglected. The first country to complete the outfit of a modern Antarctic expedition is Belgium. The mission is led by captain Adrien de Gerlache aboard the RV Belgica. After a long journey from Antwerp via Madeira, Rio de Janeiro, and Montevideo, the ship has arrived at the southernmost point in America. Supply them with everything they need for their dangerous trip to Antarctica!
The Belgian Antarctic Expedition of 1897 to 1899 was the first expedition to winter in the Antarctic region.
The mission
This completely new mission is part of the Inventors & Adventurers campaign.
About the mission:
Very large-sized 1:1 map, including parts of Antarctica, southern parts of Chile and Argentina, the Falkland Islands, and the remote island of South Georgia.
Several new animals that are home to the region: orcas, blue whales, penguins, and seals.
Typical supply chains and new cargo types: gold, clothes, fish, pelts, weapons, and wool.
Several new industries, like whaling and sealing stations.
Territories ruled by indigenous people. You can only operate there after you established a good trade relationship with them. Or repelled them.
Scripts that disallow you to build bridges over the ocean, or use small ships in the cold and rough South Atlantic Ocean.
Typical music (no copyright)
Note: The campaign aims to portray key milestones in the history of transportation as vividly as possible in their historical context. They also deal with dark chapters in the world’s events, whereby the corresponding episodes are never supposed to be downplayed, and the victims within them are never ridiculed. After all, it shouldn’t be left by the wayside that the history of transportation was often and still is a story of conflicts, oppression, and sometimes great suffering. Accordingly, the value judgments conveyed in the individual missions do not reflect the developer’s own values.
Required items:
Campaign Inventors & Adventurers