Modular Rail Station Adapter TF2

Modular Rail Station Adapter TF2
CommonAPI2 – Modular rail station adapter
Patched modular station construction supporting new track types via CommonAPI2, common_interface.
Adds support for new track modules. (Track package needs to provide support)
Longer stations 400m and 480m
Experimental: Via mod settings.lua bigger station construction.
This package doesn’t add any track types alone.
Experimental bigStation support:
Go to CommonAPI2 Menu -> Mods -> Mod settings -> Click on settings for mod -> Enable bigStation -> Save!
Important note: Reducing size after building may result in very odd behavior when modifing station. This is not a bug!
Keep bigStationSize variable small 1 or 4, the framerate for bigger construction drops a lot!
Settings will directly work after save.