More Industry Levels Mod

More Industry Levels Mod
Doubles the number of levels for each industry (including those added by mods).
This mod can be safely added to an existing savegame (any industries at their production limit will immediately start leveling up). However, it cannot be easily removed once an industry has gone beyond its vanilla limit (the game will crash when such an industry tries to change its level). If you want to remove this mod, then please activate the sandbox mod first, configure all industries that are beyond their vanilla limit to be at their limit, and finally save the game again before removing the mod.
For advanced users it is possible to adjust the factor for multiplying production levels by changing the factors variable in the mod.lua file (if you don’t know where to find this file, you should probably not touch it). However, note that this file will likely get overriden should an update to this mod be published.
The source code for this mod can be found here[].