Motor unit 854 (M 296.2, M 296.1) Hydra

Motor unit 854 (M 296.2, M 296.1) Hydra
The 854 Series cars are a number of motor vehicles of Czech Railways. The cars were created by modernizing 852 and 853 vehicles, conducted by Pars Nova Šumperk. The modernization prototype was carried out in 1997 to the car 853.030, which was newly acquired 854.030. The last car who has undergone modernization was 853.021 in 2006 (newly marked 854.021). Together with the penultimate car 854.027, they were only modernized partially and with a historicizing coating. After decommissioning, they should be preserved as historical vehicles. Operating staff “baptized” their own name, which usually has written over the right headlamp at both ends.
Motor cars 852 and 853 were four-axle passenger cars made in a study wagon (now Škoda Vagonka) between 1968 and 1970 for ČSD. They were used on national (852, originally m 296.2) and international (853, originally m 296.1) quickly. Between 1997 and 2006, all remaining operating cars of both ranks were upgraded to a series of 854.
Producer wagon Studénka
Production between 852: 1968-1969, 853: 1969-1970
Operation period 1968-2006
Permanent performance 588 (515) kW
Maximum towing force 78 kN
The maximum allowed speed is 120 km / h
Upgraded by Who Pars Nova
Modernization in 1997-2006
Permanent performance 596 kW
Maximum towing force 80 kN
The maximum allowed speed is 120 km / h
Caterpillar combustion engine type 3412 e di-ta