NS Class 1200 TF2

NS Class 1200 TF2
By special request; the Class 1200 was an electric locomotive of the Dutch Railways. It was built from an American-inspired design and due to its reliability it had a long lifespan.
Icluded vehicles:
– Class 1200 (Turquoise) – 1951-1958
– Class 1200 (Red/Brown) – 1951-1958
– Class 1200 (Blue) – 1954-1975
– Class 1200 (Grey/Yellow) – 1970-1998
– Class 1200 (ACTS) – 1999-2009
* Interior
* Visible passengers
* Animated doors
* Recolorable
* Reverse driving
* Variants Menu (I’ve finally learned how to use this; now, if there are multiple versions of the vehicle available at the same time, they’re grouped in the menu to avoid clutter)