NW Modern H12 Hopper pack

NW Modern H12 Hopper pack
Nothing about these hoppers are modern, they are actually quite old. But due to a lack of railcar builders (hint hint) N&W has had to keep them in service well past their prime.
Has 5 skins, with two different variants
– a version with stock H12 stats
– a edited version for coal, now it looks more realistic with coal loaded over the top of the car
Also, I didn’t change the default unlock date so it’s still 1950, even though tissue said the “new” logo was designed in the 1980s…oops. If you want true modern, I suggest you use the bethgons as those look way better with the gevos and sd70s. I have some skins for those too, I hope to get published.
Required items:
H12 Open Hopper