NYC Commodore Vanderbilt Hudson

NYC Commodore Vanderbilt Hudson
In 1934, the New York Central system employed Carl F. Kantola to streamline one of their Hudsons in the style of the Zephyr diesel streamlined train.
The result was the Commodore Vanderbilt locomotive, the first streamlined for the NYC. The NYC would later employ art deco man Henry Dreyfuss to streamline the rest of their fleet, including other Hudsons and the absolute chonker, the Mercury.
At this point, the Commodore Vanderbilt was an outlier, so it was re-streamlined into Dreyfuss’ style to fit in with the rest of their fleet.
So what’s this Rexall Train business
Well, this is something I came across on accident while researching this.
But here’s it in a shell nut:
Peak depression in 1937, the Rexall company wanted to spend an absolute boatload on some advertising, so they bought a 4-8-2 Mohawk from NYC and Streamlined it to look EXACTLY like the Commodore Vanderbilt. They then made a matching streamlined train and then went on a right jolly around the US and some Canada, trying to sell pharmaceuticals to the good folk.
‘One of the most 1930s advertising campaigns of the 1930s’ – Stentorian Historian
‘I did not know there was a 4-8-2 streamlined in the EXACT SAME WAY as the 4-6-4 Vanderbilt Hudson JUST FOR AN ADVERT, and this changes everything.’
Anyway, so what does this mod include?
1x Commodore Vanderbilt 4-6-4
1x (fictional) Commodore Vanderbilt 4-8-2
All locos support aging
The Commodores support user colour (looks stonking in black)
Custom sounds
Custom Animation