PO 4500/SNCF 231A

PO 4500/SNCF 231A
From 1900 onwards, passenger trains became heavier and heavier and the 230s used by the major European networks were proving increasingly inefficient. The French company of the PO then decided to equip itself with machines from the other side of the Atlantic: the 2-3-1 or Pacific type.
The PO’s 4501 to 4570, the first of their kind in Europe, were built following an order in 1906 and delivered from 1907 to 1911. From 1928 onwards the machines were fitted with large cutaway smoke screens and when the SNCF has formed the series was registered as 4-231 A 501 to 570. The series underwent only minor modifications. The 4-231 A 559 was lost due to the war and the rest of the series, 33 units out of the 70 at the beginning, was regrouped on 4 depots: Montluçon, Périgueux, Vierzon and Brive. The series was definitively extinguished with the 4-231 A 553 in 1952.
The 4571 to 4600 are an evolution of the previous series. Delivered from 1910 onwards, they all received 3 types of heaters from 1929 onwards (only the Dabeg and ACFI are reproduced in this mod). At the formation of the SNCF the series was registered as 4-231 A 571 to 600 and was finally sold in May 1954.
Top speed (km/h): 120 km/h
Power (kW): 86kN
Lifetime (years) : from 1907 to 1954
Mod features:
original models with 4 LOD
7 skin
Mod menu
DDS 2k textures