Production X4 TF2

Production X4 TF2
Quadrupled production of all industries, 1600 at max level.
Some raw materials production is set to 3200, for the factories need 2 units of raw materials to produce 1 unit of the product.
Although no problems were found in my tests, But I still recommend making a backup before loading the mod to your saves.
For saved games, this mod will not take effect on already created industries, but it will take effect on newly constructed industries.
Too much output may cause performance issue.
It is highly recommended to set “Number of industries” to “LOW” when generating map, and use Industry Button to place industries manually.
After update, this mod no longer overwrite base files.
So it should compatible with any other mods and work on industries added by mods.
LUA code modified from Col0Korn
Known Issue
Farm output should be 3200 but it’s 1600.
Quarry output should be 1600 but it’s 3200.