Santa Cruz Island – Large Mod

Santa Cruz Island – Large Mod
Generated from USGS Topographical data, this map includes Santa Cruz Island, and a small portion of the California coast line. It’s all laid out on a Large Terrain map, which is two sizes smaller than the original Megalomaniac version.
Santa Cruz Island is the location of the Channel Islands National Park, and is currently closed to the public. It lies approx 24 miles due South, off the Santa Barbara coast. It’s history goes back thousands of years, and was named ‘Isla De La Santa Cruz’ (Island of the Sacred Cross) by the Spanish explorers, because of a missionary priest who left his cross on the island. Like the Galapagos Islands, in Ecuador, Santa Cruz island has a unique collection of plants and animals found nowhere else in the world. The island is closed to the public in hopes that it will heal, as past settlement brought many animals that decimated the islands unique ecosystem.
This truly is a breathtaking island (I’ve been there, when it was open to the public). So it deserves a map in this game. It provides distant ocean crossings, for ship and plane, for those they may want more time on the sea or inn the air. Point Break is a fictional town I added to the northern tip, however Skunk Point is the site of an old Chumash settlement, and is now a marine conservation headquarters (I made it a small town). It sits on an ancient mountain lake bed, which was once the caldera of a prehistoric volcano. You will see it several times in the video, as it’s one of the few (if not the only) remaining settlements that are still inhabited today.
The time starts Jan, 1st, 1900. Only the towns exist, but not the industries (you can place those using an appropriate mod from the Workshop). All the towns on this map may differ somewhat from the Megalomaniac version, as the map editor provides very limited control over town and industry generation.This map poses a challenge due to the mountainous terrain, and the prospect of having to travel large distances to keep island settlements supplied. Connecting roads to each town are already in place, and you start off with 0 balances, 0 loans, and $50 Million in cold hard cash.